e-Portfolio: Session 9 (October 8)

 Session 9 (October 8)

1.      Affair: /əˈfer/ Noun.

A situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered.

E.g. She plans the party like an affair.

2.      Brunette: /bruˈnet/ Noun.

A white woman or girl with dark hair.

E.g. Do you know the brunette girl that was here?

3.      Burdensome: /ˈbɝː.dən.səm/ Adjective.

Causing difficulties or work.

E.g. Your burdensome situation is affecting your life.

4.      Cult: /kʌlt/ Adjective.

A cult is also something that is very popular with some people, or a particular set of beliefs or behavior.

E.g. The cult man is presenting a speech.

5.      Drained: /dreɪnd/ Adjective.

Very tired.

E.g. The drained people are working in the hospital for a long time.

6.      Loom: /luːm/ Verb.

To appear as a large, often frightening or unclear shape or object.

E.g. Their new acts loom to be shown.

7.      Makeover: /ˈmeɪkˌoʊ.vɚ/ Noun.

A new or improved appearance that results from making many changes.

E.g. The company did an incredible makeover in the publicity.

8.      Narrowly: /ˈner.oʊ.li/ Adverb.

Only by a small amount.

E.g. You can buy cheese narrowly.

9.      Onerous: /ˈɑː.nɚ.əs/ Adjective.

Difficult to do or needing a lot of effort.

E.g. The teacher gave an onerous homework.

10.  Plot:  /plɑːt/ Noun.

A secret plan made by several people to do something that is wrong, harmful, or not legal, especially to do damage to a person or a government.

E.g. The thieves have the plot to attack tonight in the bank.

11.  Pushback: /ˈpʊʃ.bæk/ Noun.

Negative reaction to a change or to something new that has been introduced.

E.g. The people have pushback against the plan that the authorities are planning.

12.  Regurgitative: /ˌriːˈɡəːdʒɪtətɪv/ Adjective.

Relating to, or characterized by, the indiscriminate or unthinking repetition of facts, ideas, etc.

E.g. She seems regurgitative to the idea to get married.

13.  Stifling: /ˈstɑɪ·flɪŋ/ Adjective.

Extremely hot, with a lack of fresh air

E.g. The room is so stifling today.

14.  Unduly: /ʌnˈduː.li/ Adverb.

More than is necessary, acceptable, or reasonable.

E.g. The task was unduly needed to put into practice.

15.  Workload: /ˈwɝːk.loʊd/ Noun.

The amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time.

E.g. The company’s workload is affecting workers.

Imagen: Reviewed docs by UnDraw. https://undraw.co/license



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