e-Portfolio: Session 11 (October 22)

Session 11 (October 22)

1.      Agnostic: /æɡˈnɑː.stɪk/ Noun.

Someone who does not know, or believes that it is impossible to know, if a god exists.

E.g. Marcus explained how long he had been an agnostic. 

2.      Amendment: /əˈmend.mənt/ Noun.

A change or changes made to the words of a text.

E.g. The amendment brought benefits to the town.

3.      Assaults: /əˈsɑːlts/ Noun.

Violent attacks.

E.g. Many assaults are bringing scare to the citizens.

4.      Gangs: /ɡæŋz/ Noun.

Groups of young people, especially young men, who spend time together, often fighting with other groups and behaving badly.

E.g. I’m afraid because my cousin is involved in gangs’ problems.

5.      Gathering: /ˈɡæð.ɚ.ɪŋ/ Noun.

A party or a meeting when many people come together as a group.

E.g. John said to his friends that the gathering is going to take place in the park.

6.      Hazardous: /ˈhæz.ɚ.dəs/ Adjective.


E.g. It seems that some rides in the amusement park can be hazardous.

7.      Luge: /luːʒ/ Noun.

A sledge used for racing on ice. The person using it lies on their back with their feet pointing forward.

E.g. I think that you need to buy a good luge for the race.

8.      Marble: /ˈmɑr·bəl/ Noun.

A type of hard stone, often with a pattern of irregular lines going through it, that is used as a building material and in statues.

E.g. Marie wants to use marble in her new house.

9.      Marvel: /ˈmɑr·vəl/ Verb.

To show or experience great surprise or admiration.

E.g. They stop talking to marvel at the beautiful art piece.

10.  Melting: /ˈmel.tɪŋ/ Adjevtive.

To become softened in feeling.

E.g. She was melting in love when her son plays a song for her.

11.  Puritan: /ˈpjʊr.ɪ.t̬ən/ Noun.

Someone who believes that it is important to work hard and control yourself, and that pleasure is wrong or unnecessary.

E.g. The puritan told us that we need to work hard to have a good life.

12.  Ride: /raɪd/ Noun.

A machine in an amusement park that people travel in or are moved around by for entertainment.

E.g. This fair is so amazing; please, let's try that ride.

13.  Settler: /ˈset.lɚ/ Noun.

A person who arrives, especially from another country, in a new place in order to live there and use the land.

E.g. The settler came to make our life complicated.

14.  Sledge: /sledʒ/ Noun.

An object used for travelling over snow and ice with long, narrow strips of wood or metal under it instead of wheels. It can be either a low frame, or a vehicle like a carriage pulled by horses or dogs.

E.g. Usually, when winter comes, we take out the sledge to have fun.

15.  Surrender: /səˈren.dɚ/ Verb.

To stop fighting and admit defeat.

E.g. Sometimes people need to surrender to continue having a happy life.

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