e-Portfolio: Corrections for the oral presentation.

Corrections provided by the professor for the oral presentation.

1.      Politics: / ˈpɑləˌtɪks/

2.      Legislative: /ˈledʒ.ə.slə.t̬ɪv/

3.      Executive: /ɪɡˈzek.jə.t̬ɪv/

4.      Republican: /rəˈpʌb.lɪ.kən/

5.      Contributing: / kənˈtrɪbjutɪŋ/

6.      Democrats: /ˈdem.ə.kræts/

7.      Democratic: /ˌdem.əˈkræt̬.ɪk/

8.      1800: eighteen hundred.

9.      He create: he created.

10.  Jackson defeat: Jackson defeated.

11.  Noticeable: /ˈnoʊ·t̬ɪ·sə·bəl/

12.  19th: /ˌnaɪnˈtiːnθ/

13.  Nuclear: /ˈnuː.kliː.ɚ/

14.  Racial: /ˈreɪ·ʃəl/

15.  Prohibited: / proʊˈhɪbətəd/

16.  Contributed (stress): /kənˈtrɪbjutɪd/

17.  Party don’t: party doesn’t.

18.  Result: /rɪˈzʌlt/

19.  Lincoln become: Lincoln became.

20.  1919: nineteen-nineteen

21.  Event: /ɪˈvent/

22.  Wage: /weɪ/

Imagen: Brainstorming by UnDraw. https://undraw.co/license


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