e-Portfolio: Session 5 (September 10)


Session 5 (September 10)

1.      Begged: / bɛgd/ Past simple and past participle of the verb beg.

To make a very strong and urgent request.

E.g.  They begged for an increase in their salary.

2.      Cassette: /kəˈset/ Noun.

A flat rectangular device containing a very long strip of magnetic material that is used to record sound and/or pictures, or a machine that uses such devices.

E.g. My dad has an old cassette.

3.      Flung: /flʌŋ/ Past simple and past participle of the verb fling.

To throw something or someone suddenly and with a lot of force.

E.g. You fling the T.V in your angry moment yesterday.

4.      Jogging: /ˈdʒɑː.ɡɪŋ/ Noun.

The activity of running at a slow, regular speed, especially as a form of exercise.

E.g. He goes jogging to the park and comes back home later.

5.      Jumped: /ʤʌmpt/ past simple of the verb jump.

To push yourself suddenly off the ground and into the air using your legs.

E.g. The kids jumped to show happiness.

6.      Nervous: /ˈnɝː.vəs/ Adjective.

Worried and anxious.

E.g. She was nervous about the results of the health test.

7.      Robbed: /rɑbd/ Past simple and past participle of the verb rob.

To take money or property illegally from a place, organization, or person, often using violence.

E.g. My boss robbed the money that belongs to the company.

8.      Rush: /rʌʃ/ Verb.

To go or do something very quickly.

E.g. They rush to say important aspects.

9.      Shave: /ʃeɪv/ Verb.

To remove hair from the body, especially a man's face, by cutting it close to the skin with a razor, so that the skin feels smooth.

E.g. You shave your beard because you needed it.

10.  Snowflake: /ˈsnoʊ.fleɪk/ Noun.

A small piece of snow that falls from the sky.

E.g. We cannot see a snowflake because it is tiny.

11.  Strip: /strɪp/ Verb.

To remove, pull, or tear the covering or outer layer from something.

E.g. You need to strip the plastic of the object.

12.  Tape: /teɪp/ Noun.

Thin plastic in a long, narrow strip with a magnetic covering that allows sounds or sounds and pictures to be recorded and played again, especially one on which sound is recorded.

E.g. Nowadays, we do not use tape to produce music.

13.  Waitress: /ˈweɪ.trəs/ Noun.

A woman whose job is to bring the food to customers at their tables in a restaurant.

E.g. The waitress works so hard to achieve her goals.

14.  Wasp: /wɑːsp/ Noun.

A flying insect, often black and yellow, that can sting.

E.g. I saw a wasp in the garden.

15.  Wristwatch: /ˈrɪst.wɑːtʃ/ Noun.

A watch that is worn on the wrist.

E.g. My father bought a wristwatch.

Imagen: Posts by UnDraw. https://undraw.co/license


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