e-Portfolio: Corrections for Quiz Presentation I


Corrections provided by the professor for Quiz Presentation I.

1.      Nervous: /ˈnɝː.vəs/

2.      Good: /ɡʊd/

3.      Think: /θɪŋk/

4.      Things: /θɪŋz/

5.      Contribute (stress): /kənˈtrɪb·jut/

6.      A interesting: An interesting.

7.      People is: people are.

8.      With selfish: With selfishness

9.      Thinking in: Thinking about.

10.  Person: /ˈpɜr·sən/

11.  Value: /ˈvæl.juː/

12.  Still: /stɪl/

13.  Cooperate: /koʊˈɑː.pə.reɪt/

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