e-Portfolio: Session 2 (August 20)

 Session 2 (August 20)

Arlin Salazar G. B97136

1.      Boundary:  /ˈbaʊndəri/ Noun.

A real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something.

E.g. The boundary between Costa Rica and Panamá in Limón province is a river.

2.      Contributing: /kənˈtrɪbjuːtɪŋ/ Gerund or present participle of the verb "contribute".

To give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people.

E.g. I’m contributing to the annual festival.

3.      Ease: /iːz/ Noun.

The state of experiencing no difficulty, effort, pain, etc.

E.g. She works with incredible ease.

4.      Incompatible: /ˌɪn·kəmˈpæt̬·ə·bəl/ Adjective.

Not able to exist or work with another person or thing because of basic differences.

E.g. The worker is incompatible with the boss.

5.      Inherited: /ɪnˈher.ɪt/ Verb.

To be born with the same physical or mental characteristics as one of your parents or grandparents.

E.g. Mike inherited the brown eyes of his father. 

6.      Innate: /ɪˈneɪt/ Adjective.

An innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not one you have learned

E.g. Jane has an innate talent to dance.

7.      Notwithstanding: /ˌnɑːt.wɪðˈstæn.dɪŋ/ Preposition, adverb.

Despite the fact or thing mentioned.

E.g. Notwithstanding she is tired, she continues working.

8.      Nowadays: /ˈnaʊ.ə.deɪz/ Adverb.

At the present time, in comparison to the past.

E.g. Nowadays, people are more worried about finding a job.

9.      Passionate: /ˈpæʃ·ə·nət/ Adjective.

Full of emotion

E.g. Jane is passionate when she is playing the violin.

10.  Persistence: /pərˈsɪs·təns/ Noun.

The quality of being persistent, or the act of persisting.

E.g. You need to have persistence to achieve your goals.

11.  Perspiration:  /ˌpɜːspəˈreɪʃən/ Noun.

The process of sweating.

E.g. He came with perspiration in his face.

12.  Phenomenon: /fəˈnɑː.mə.nɑːn/ Noun.

Something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or interesting.

E. g.  The rainbow is an amazing phenomenon of the nature.

13.  Pianist: /piˈæn·ɪst/ Noun.

Someone who plays the piano.

E.g. My friend is a good pianist.

14.  Quote: /kwoʊt/ Verb.

To repeat the words that someone else has said or written.

E. g. You must quote the words made by others.

15.  Relativity: /ˌrel.əˈtɪv.ə.t̬i/ Noun.

The state of being judged in comparison with other things and not by itself.

E. g. There is a big relativity between these two important topics.

Imagen: body text by UnDraw. https://undraw.co/license


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