e-Portfolio: Corrections for the first audio. Unit 1: Genius.


Corrections for the first audio.

Unit 1: Genius.

1.      A little review to the things: A little review of the things.

2.      The: /ðə/

3.      I like to go to back: I’d like to go back

4.      Person: /ˈpɜr·sən/

5.      Consider (STRESS):  /kənˈsɪd.ɚ/

6.      He’s genius: He’s a genius.

7.      Age: /eɪdʒ/

8.      Own: /oʊn/

9.      I want to make you emphasis: I want to emphasize  

10.  He could get her: He could get his.

11.  Perseverance (STRESS):  /ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪərəns/

12.  World: /wɝːld/

13.  History: /ˈhɪs.t̬ɚ.i/

14.  In the history:  in history 

15.  Important: /ɪmˈpɔrtnt/

16.  Ideal: /aɪˈdiː.əl/

17.  Create: /kriˈeɪt/

18.  Things: /θɪŋz/

19.  Franklin Chang teach me:  Franklin Chang teaches me.

20.  Hard:  /hɑrd/

21.  Thank you for listen: Thank you for listening

Imagen: Multitasking by UnDraw. https://undraw.co/license


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